The Complete
Web Solution for Professional Speaker

Your trusted partner in web design, development, and ongoing support.

Don’t let technical problems hold your business back.

Without an efficient website, you risk falling behind in today’s digital world.

Is your website hindering engagement and inquiries due to limited interaction, engaging content, and clear calls-to-action?

Is your website undermining your branding and market identity with confusion?

Is your website not effectively showcasing your expertise, achievements, and testimonials?

  • Worry no more
  • Worry no more
  • Worry no more
  • Worry no more
  • Worry no more
  • Worry no more

Meet Design Source Media, your complete web department solution.

We’re the guide you need to overcome your challenges.

Years of Experience

Team Members

Web Projects Developed

From struggle to success

Elevating Thought Leadership with a Revamped Speaker’s Website

A professional speaker wanted to spread his message about inclusive cultures and team productivity. He knew his website needed an update to match his expertise and showcase the value of Culture of Belonging™.


The collaborative effort resulted in a transformed website that spoke directly to Culture of Belonging™’s core principles. Inclusivity through design, motivation via engaging visuals, and streamlined content for productivity. The result is an inviting and efficient user experience aligned with Curtis Hill’s services.


The Culture of Belonging™ website revamp yielded significant results:

Increased Engagement: The user-centric design and clear content layout led to an increase in average session duration, indicating improved engagement.

Enhanced Brand Perception: Visitors praised the website’s aesthetic and message, increasing positive brand sentiment.

Higher Conversion Rates: The persuasive copy and intuitive design contributed to an increase in conversion rates for the client’s services, and was able to close a $15,000 deal.


By effectively communicating the core values and expertise of Culture of Belonging™, the website served as a powerful tool for amplifying Curtis Hill’s impact. The website’s success in engaging visitors, enhancing brand perception, and driving inquiries demonstrate the potential of strategic digital transformations for professional speakers. The collaboration exemplifies the potential of digital platforms to magnify the reach and influence of thought leaders.

“Because of the site, people are saying, I don’t think I can afford you. Also, I was able to close on a $15,000 deal!”

Curtis Hill

Professional Speaker

Enhancing Online Presence and Booking Experience

Known for captivating talks on the Positivity Perspective™, this speaker empowers organizations to embrace positive solutions. Seeking seamless appointment scheduling and brand reflection, he approached Design Source Media for a website embodying their expertise and inspiring positive change.


We seamlessly integrated an appointment booking calendar for Greg’s speaking engagements, while our design highlighted his unique brand identity with engaging visuals and easy navigation. Collaborating closely, we crafted compelling content that showcased Greg’s expertise and developed a responsive website for optimal user experience across devices.


The collaborative effort between Greg Macluckie and our web design and development team culminated in a successful website launch:

Enhanced Booking Process: The booking calendar integration streamlined scheduling, reducing back-and-forths and simplifying client onboarding

Brand Consistency: The updated website reflects Greg’s distinct brand, setting him apart in a competitive market and attracting like-minded clients drawn to his Positivity Perspective™.

Engaging Platform: The website’s appealing design and engaging content effectively showcase Greg’s services, success stories, and positive impact, leaving a strong impression on visitors.


Through strategic design and development, we transformed Greg Macluckie’s online presence into a user-friendly platform that aligns with his Positivity Perspective™. The integrated booking calendar and cohesive brand messaging have not only simplified client interactions but also elevated Greg’s profile as a sought-after professional speaker. This case study exemplifies our commitment to understanding our clients’ unique goals and translating them into impactful digital solutions.

We offer innovative
web design and development solutions that help speakers reclaim their time and increase their revenue

We do what we are confident at

We understand the challenges you face. Our team has the expertise and authority to help you overcome these obstacles

Website Design

WordPress Design and Development

Custom WordPress Plug-in Development

WordPress Development

Custom WordPress Plug-in Development

Custom Integration

API Configuration

Web Application Development

Quality Assurance Testing

WordPress Maintenance



Support and Help Desk

Our process is simple and effective



Secure a consultation where we can work together to strategize, plan, and address your speaking career growth using marketing and technology.



Experience growth through our established onboarding and data discovery methods, resulting in strategic websites crafted for speaker success.



Maximize your speaking success by leveraging our services to enhance your online presence, attract bookings, and amplify reach.

Don’t let technical hurdles stall your speaker growth

Let’s shape your success into an unstoppable force that drives your success, because you deserve a journey without technical roadblocks.

Is your website holding back engagement with dull content and vague calls-to-action?

Is your branding getting lost in the clutter of confusion?

Is your expertise fading behind an ineffective website?

What others say

Read what they say about their experiences and why they trust us to bring their vision to life.

“Because of the site, people are saying, I don’t think I can afford you. Also, I was able to close on a $15,000 deal!”

Curtis Hill

Professional Speaker

“My speech coach was blown away. He said, “These guys know what they are doing!” My website looks amazing. It’s solid. Working with DSM was great. They would help guide me through the website. They would explain certain buttons and functions. It’s perfect for someone who’s not that computer/tech-savvy.”



“Because of the site, people are saying, I don’t think I can afford you. Also, I was able to close on a $15,000 deal!”

Curtis Hill

Professional Speaker

“My speech coach was blown away. He said, “These guys know what they are doing!” My website looks amazing. It’s solid. Working with DSM was great. They would help guide me through the website. They would explain certain buttons and functions. It’s perfect for someone who’s not that computer/tech-savvy.”



Let’s talk!

Schedule a meeting with us today
and let’s start your journey to success!


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